Friday, August 29, 2008

Find a Naturopath

I started off going green by switching out all of my body products to all natural. Recently I realized the inside of my body isn't quite as healthy. I was eating a lot of sugar and processed foods. I have always had digestive problems, and by that I mean being irregular and having cramping. With cancer plaguing our nation I don't want to sit around hope it doesn't happen to me, so I figured I should just do something about it.
In the past I went to an internist who prescribed me to take fiber capsules. This didn't do anything for me, in fact for some reason it seemed to make everything worse. On top of it all I was still irregular but now having gas. I quickly quit taking those capsules!
Remembering this I decided to seek out a Naturopath and it has changed my life. I was feeling lethargic and irregular all the time. My naturopath drew blood to test me for food allergies and gave me a list of guidelines to change my diet. I have now cut out high sugar foods and beverages, and fried foods. I am now eating high protein and fiber foods. I have been regular ever since! I feel cleaner on the inside, I feel less bloated, have more energy, and have lost weight. Also exercise and drinking lots of water is helping too. If you want to change your eating habits go find a naturopath.

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