Thursday, September 18, 2008


Everyone knows recycling is important. I just wanted to give some reminders. MAC makeup is not a natural makeup company, but they do recycle their containers. Remember to collect your containers, with every 6 containers returned you receive a FREE lip gloss or eye shadow. This is a great way to motivate people to recycle containers we forget are harmful to the environment.
Also I work at ESPN and just want to applaud them for switching all of their to-go containers in the cafeteria to biodegradable/compostable. Every water cooler cup, fork, spoon, and knife is compostable. They have dispersed "compostable only" receptacles all over the campus. Hopefully their example will help other companies do the same!
If you don't have recycling where you live make it happen! I moved into my condo 3years ago and there is no recycling! I am so fed up with calling myself "green" and yet sometimes throwing an aluminum can in the trash! I do what I can to collect bottles and cans and take them to the grocery store. I also bring newspapers to ESPN to recycle them there. So I wrote an official letter citing the laws in Connecticut for recycling and sent it in to my condo association. After MONTHS with no word, I finally got an answer! They approved it!! So by October 1st the condominiums will have recycling! I am so excited and feel like I have done a good deed for the environment. Hopefully everyone else will do their part and take recycling seriously. So please if you don't have recycling either, sit down and write that letter!

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