Friday, August 29, 2008

Natural Deodorant

OK so I am having problems finding a natural deodorant that WORKS! I have only found some that temporarily work.
These are the deodorants I have tried:
Jason- Aloe Vera scent
Herbal Magic- Jasmine scent
Tom's of Maine- Lavender
Pit Putty

Now most reviews I have read swear by Pit Putty. I agree it is a good product. I first starting applying it by loading that stuff on! Then a few hours later at work I smelled terrible! When my Jason deodorant gives out it doesn't smell anywhere near as bad as when the Pit Putty gave out. Although the Pit Putty lasts longer than the Jason. So! My newest trick for using Pit Putty is to not put a lot on, and if I feel myself starting to perspire then I dab with a tissue. Dabbing and re-applying has really lengthened the effectiveness of my natural deodorants. Though I am still searching, I hope to find something better. Its really not fun to dab my pits with a tissue a couple times an hour at work.

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